We strongly believe that all students should have the opportunity to learn Latin and access the potential benefits:

Improved literacy:

  • Functional (or verbal) literacy: Learning derivations (English words which come from Latin) provides an anchor to learning harder English words.

  • Cultural literacy: Learning about Greco-Roman society has an inherent cultural value. Topics in the curriculum include Roman civilisation, ancient history, myth and all types of literature.

Raised aspirations:

Latin is a challenging yet achievable GCSE. University admissions tutors and employers regard Latin very highly and it is seen as a clear indicator that students are capable of academic ​success. ​

Supports Modern Foreign languages:

Romance languages such as Italian, French and Spanish have strong roots in Latin. By learning Latin, students gain a strong understanding of grammar which is invaluable for learning a wide range of other languages.

The Latin Excellence Programme, with its focus on the transformative study of Latin, will expose as many of our pupils as possible, regardless of their background or circumstance, to knowledge and opportunities which are not currently available to them
— Headteacher, Manchester

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why is the government encouraging schools to teach Latin?

The proportion of pupils studying Latin in secondary state schools is currently relatively modest, with overwhelmingly more entries in classical subjects at GCSE from independent than state-funded schools. The Latin Excellence Programme is re-balancing access to Latin by opening up the opportunity to study Latin to students across England.

The programme has a particular focus in the North East, North West, Yorkshire, East Midlands, West Midlands and the South West – regions where Classics teaching is currently under-represented at key stages 3 and 4.

Isn’t Latin a difficult language to learn?

Latin is a fascinating and rewarding language to learn and one that pupils enjoy studying. The curriculum is designed to be accessible to all, and full support is provided throughout to help all pupils achieve success. 

What can pupils do with their Latin skills in the future?

Pupils will be encouraged to continue learning Latin to at least GCSE. As well as providing a stepping stone to classics study beyond school, university admissions tutors and employers more generally regard Latin very highly and it is seen as a clear indicator that students are capable of academic success in a broad range of subjects.